I’ve really fallen in love with developing my own recipes and after posting about National Chip and Dip Day, I was feeling really inspired.
I put together a step-by-step guide on how to make my latest creation. This dip is perfect for just about anything, but I prefer it with rigged potato chips or celery sticks!
Step 1) Start with a few dollops of mayonnaise – the more the better. Remember: you want as much of a creamy consistency as possible.
Step 2) I absolutely adore that sweet-and-salty combination so, believe it or not, I add 2 tablespoons of honey to my mixture. Trust me, it works.
Step 3) Every good recipe is filled with spices, so add about 2 teaspoons of thyme.
(Make sure to mix it well!)
Step 4) The best part to any dip is being able to incorporate some of your favorite snacks. For this step, the sky is the limit for possibilities and you can use whatever’s in your pantry. I opted for the breakfast cereal I always reached for as a little girl.
…and have a wonderful weekend!